This blog is a gift from me, to my very best friend - a blog of her very own. She is about to embark on the next chapter of her life...getting married and starting a family. Though she is from Michigan, she will settle and raise her family in Windsor Ontario. With family and friends not always around, this is a great way to share the many blessings that will be coming thier way! And hopefully she can find some comfort and release in blogging and sharing her thoughts with the rest of you.
Hopefully this will become Rickie's little corner of the world -Welcome to the Hannan Hide-away!

Monday, July 2, 2012

After the Wedding and Honeymoon

The Honey moon is over and all the Thank yous have been said, here is what has been happening since.  I first like to say that my new husband is the most caring person.  He loves me with all of his heart.  We are currently trying to start a family. Yep, the little hippy wants to grow up. We hope in the near future I will have that news to post. As for now...........enjoy our new married life and having the time of our lives doing it!

Our Trip to Bermuda

The honeymoon was fantastic.  The cruise to Bermuda  was great. A little choppy the first night and really choppy the next.  Come to find out the next morning on day 3 were actually were going through a tropical storm said the captain. Go figure, hence the Bermudian triangle myths.  We made it to the Island safe and sound, our first day there we walked about the naval academy and the historical museum of how Bermuda came about. The second day there we went to the naval cemetery with tomb stones dating back to the early 1700's.  Dan enjoyed that a lot and I found it very aerie at first because you could really feel the sprints there.  As we walked along I was more comfortable with the experience.   That night we went on a glass bottom boat tour in the heart of the Bermuda triangle.  That was really neat. YES, we survived.   We got to met some very nice people, learn about Bermuda and drink some swizzlers.  Drink of the Island the swizzler, not quite sure what all goes in it, but I know there is rum.  the next morning we went on a excursion that Dan and I wanted to do the most...Deep Sea fishing.  It was the best day for it.  The boat was called the jolly roger.  4hour tour for 200.00 dollars a piece.  Crazy right?  no Marlin, but I turned out to be the best fisherman of the trip.  3 1/2 hours in I had caught nothing....the fishermen on the boat said he would take us to a place where I could catch something for sure. We ended up on one of his friends commercial fishing grounds.  From there on it was GO GO GO for me.  As Danny was catching the bait for the next trip out, I was catching Barbers, Coneys, and even the the native fish there, Bonita.  The catch of the day though was my Yellow Fin Snapper, the three guys on the boat running the excursion were so surprised.  It was the first one that was caught all day. Long in length also 20 inches.  They said they can grow to 30 inches.  We did not eat those fish, but I did provide a meal for the crew to barbeque that night.  It was Bermudian day, kind of like our forth of July or Canada day.  As we arrived back into New York, and passed the statue of liberty it felt really good to be an American.  I married a Canadian but I still have my roots.  And maybe one day our kids can do the same trip with us. It really was wonderful and I could not ask for a better honeymoon.